Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I thought the highest chance of getting myself churned into some irrational politics is when I am working. Office politics, people pitting against one another just to get into the good books of the bosses kind of thing. But I was wrong. It is everywhere, as long as there is people interaction and sometimes the reason behind all these is just simply plain childishness and selfishness. Many a times, you are just an innocent victim. Maybe is such superficial relationships that make genuine ones more valuable.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

6 months stock-take....

It is almost 6 months since I arrived in Moscow. I think its time to do some stock taking. I asked myself the following:

a) What about Moscow that I like so far?
I think ...for quite a while..cold weather, a chance to wear boots, a chance to try cross country skiing, a chance to meet people of very different background, learn how to cook.

Looks like quite a list. But when I asked myself the next question, the list is even longer. Check it out!

b) What about Moscow I dislike?
No need to think for long....pavement is like a bit spitoon, men who smells, 80% of smoking area in restaurants, dumbfolded because you cannot speak their language, given up wearing heals to avoid breaking my ankle, friendless, lack of things to do, lack of income, expensive standard of living, tap water that cannot be drank, racial discrimination, policemen that you rather avoid etc.

No that I have nothing else to list but I think the list will just go on and on and on and on. So let's move on to the next question.

c) What is the one good thing that happen to me in the last 6 months?
Losing weight but I don't know how long this trend is going to last because I have not experience the winter yet.

d) What is the one bad thing that happen to me in the last 6 months?
I have no answer to this. I cannot pin-point. Maybe there were just too many.

e) What is the most difficult question to answer?
When people ask, "How do you spend your time? Do you like it here?"....please..give me a break!