Wednesday, January 16, 2008 come I don't have?

The meaning of talent seems to be very vast; from it being an ancient unit of weights, endowment of a person to a special often creative or artistic aptitude. I ponder if it is an entitlement to everybody and I conclude that it is not. For, I am one of those that are not entitled to it.

When we say that a person is talented, we often refer to one of those outstanding skill that he/her exhibits like Bach, Mozart in music. But, what if my conclusion is wrong and that talent is indeed a living being's entitlement? I once read a book that truly believes in this. That we should all be aware and exploit our individual talents rather than look for improvements in our weakness. If that is true, then, what is mine? I can't draw, I can't write.....

Fortunate are those who discover that they have certain talents and hence can further develop it. They can use it to make a living, to enhance their lives and maybe even to influence lives. I certainly wish that I have one of those talents.

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