Thursday, June 15, 2006

An Abandoned Friend's Blog - Episode 1

For those who have been asking me to start a blog, here, I have done it! There are many thoughts that I would like to post onto my blog but cannot decide what I should start with yet. Maybe I shall start with how I feel about Moscow having stayed here for the past 1.5 months.

To many, being able to stay overseas seems to be something to be envied of. However, for me, the move to Moscow for 3 years poses more anxiety than excitment. To be in the city where you do not know the language, where people seems to be less friendly, where the security is definitely not comparable with home, there are more things to be worried of then be excited for.

The first 2 weeks upon arrival became a nightmare for me. Moving into the apartment with just my luggage and nothing else from home seemed pathetic. You couldn't feel a sense of home but began to sense missing home. And the days that followed got worse. I found myself being cooped up in a white apartment with no access to the world. Without internet access, newspaper etc, I felt my world had came to a stop. I began to question my decision to move; leaving behind a job that I thoroughly enjoyed, my friends, my family and landing myself in a place that totally handicapped me. I couldn't decide if I have made the wrong decision.

Being alone had made matter worse for there is nobody whom you could find support. The arrival of Pebble (my dog) was a god send. She is the greatest companion that I can have in Moscow besides Adrian.

By a stroke of luck, the vet that brought Pebble recommended me a book which I would term it my bible for living in Moscow. The book, of course, is titled "Living in Moscow". It gives me all the information that I need to survive in this unique city. The first thing I went for in the book was the telephone numbers of the language schools. I reckoned that one of the ways to get myself back is to be able to move around and communicate with people. I got myself enrolled for a group class and started lesson the very next day. The lessons made me felt a bit better because it allowed me to get myself out of the apartment and spent my hours meaningfully.

I have to find other things to do besides attending class (only 4 hours a week). I join the International Women's Club which allows me to have access to different interest groups, do charity work and meet people from all over the world. It's a pity that club activities will only get exciting from September because nobody works in summer and many expatriates are on summer vacation.

Many people have asked me if I enjoyed Moscow so far. My answers are always "Yes and No". Yes because I am treated with many new experiences. No because I really miss home.

An abandoned friend
15 June 06


Anonymous said...

yeah! I'm the first first first!!!! line

Anonymous said...

yeah..... me second!!!! :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Finally I read your blog. I'm glad you started one cos you can be very reticient about yourself.

Anonymous said...

oh my god! can change picture or not?
actually what your friend said has got some meaning as well.
"function" is a multi-faceted word. Having friends gives us a life that's more fulfilling; An avenue where we receive and give love.

Yes, it definitely serves a function. One that's very important.

Anonymous said...

I have another photo but I think you will was taken at least 10 years ago in the zoo...would you prefer that?

Your abandoned friend.

Anonymous said...

despite what lines said, you managed to get the second episode up :)

that's wonderful!

sigh.... i must say these friendships with all of you gals are really important to me... without you all, my life will not be complete....

i believe friends are not to fulfil a function but to give us purpose in life...

i would like to say... thank you all for being my friends... may we stay this close till we grow old....

Anonymous said...

I think I can understand the feeling of unable to let go. This not only applies to friendship, towards love and kinship is the same. It is never easy to let go, in any sense.

Sometimes we will be touched by someone and feelings developed. Sometimes these are the people whom we wish to treasure and be with. Even though you know that this feeling should not go any deeper than it should be but sometimes emotions are not something that can come and go as you wish. But you know ultimately it will come to a point that you have not choice but to let go. It will hurt and it will sadden you but one must learn not look at brighter side of things and not dwell on the past.
Hope you will learn to gradually let go and learn to treasure yourself more and not do things that will worry and sadden those who treasure and love you. It is the other party's loss if he does not treasure the friendship that is so painstakenly built up.
Be happy k?

Anonymous said...

Well, don't worry. I am all right. Can't wait to go back in Oct. So many things to do.

An abandoned friend